Practice a healthy lifestyle not just a diet
Article written by The guide to healthy living
Everyone think that starting a diet as the only way to lose weight and get healthy. This summer is no different. Many are flocking to gyms to lose weight and starting on diet control. But losing weight and getting a healthy body needs more than a diet and exercises. You need to start a healthy lifestyle.
Healthy lifestyle is a result of many things. One popular health and fitness related Web site say that it includes good nutrition, quality sleep, daily exercise, and healthy outlets for stress. Another take it few steps further by adding adequate rest, emotional and spiritual wellness, learning and practicing to give and take. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines it as complete physical, mental, and social well-being. So the concept requires certain steps, actions and strategies to achieve it. You will be the one to be responsible and make decisions. Practicing a healthy lifestyle can lay a foundation for rest of your life. Let’s add one more thing. Healthy lifestyle should also include cutting or avoiding smoking. Healthy lifestyle can reflect your way of life and improve your mental and physical well-being. You become a person of balanced lifestyle and set an example for others to follow.