Tips for Better Back Support

 photo Back-pain_zpseqclboza.jpgWith a tremendous increase in telecommute and work-at-home positions that involve many hours of sedentary computer work, along with the continuing prevalence of traditional office jobs, many modern-day Canadians are struggling with back problems. While you may not be able to change your lifestyle immediately or reverse the damage that has already been done, you can certainly take precautions and prepare yourself for back problems that may arise in the future due to long periods of sitting.

The type of cushion you sit on has a lot to do with ensuring optimal physical health and comfort on a daily basis. Pain in the back, legs, and tailbone can be minimized easily by taking the time to research good quality chair cushions—and investing in a cushion that provides better back support.

High density foam sheets can be designed specifically with this goal in mind. Foam can be purchased separately and stuffed into any size, shape, or style of cushion. Then, you can use your custom chair pad or leg cushion to prop yourself up and keep your back straight while you work at your favourite desk or table.

At bedtime, full-body pillows can be used to provide support while sitting up or lying down. In addition, they are amazingly soft and comfortable, and allow for a great deal of natural motion. The ideal body pillow is not overstuffed, but filled with enough foam to adapt to the body’s natural movements at times of rest.

Popular types of foam include eggcrate, memory-foam, and closed cell foam from Canada. Memory-foam cushions are ideal for providing back support due to their unique ability to adapt to the shape of your body.

Bio: The Foam Factory, Inc. is the leading supplier of foam products to the United States and Canada. Order bedding, sponges and packaging foam from Canada and save.